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Cienfuegos city tour

 Cienfuegos is a city located in the bay of Cienfuegos, on the southern coast of Cuba, famous for its buildings from the colonial era. In the central square, called José Martí Park, is the Tomás Terry theater, which is decorated with gold leaf mosaics and frescoes on the ceiling.

 At 9:00 AM, tour of Cienfuegos, the city founded in the second decade of the 19th century by French colonists. 
  The city retains a Gallic influence with its straight streets and eclectic-style buildings. <br />
In its buildings, parks, squares and monuments you can see the sum of the neoclassical, art nouveau and art deco styles.
  This universe of shapes and colors led UNESCO to declare it a cultural and architectural heritage of humanity. 
Lunch is included at a local restaurant. 
Return to the hotel. 

Full day 

9:00 AM 


Cienfuegos Private Tour - from 58 €

Cienfuegos Private Tour